Monday, July 11, 2011

The Power Of Full Engagement

I recently read a book titled The Power of Full Engagement and it really provides great insights and suggestions on how to perform at your best, remain healthy and be happy.

The key for all of us is to be able to perform in the storm.  To build capacity to sustain high performance in the face of increasing demand in our professional and private lives.

The central conclusion from the book is:
  • Energy is the fundamental currency of high performance
  • Capacity is a function of one’s ability to expend and recover energy
  • Every thought, feeling and action has an energy consequence
  • Energy is the most important individual and organisational resource

ENERGY, not time is the currency for high performance
The more energy we bring to the world the more empowered and productive we become

The more we blame others or external influences, the more negative and compromised our energy is likely to become

Leaders are the stewards of organisational energy in companies, organisations and in families

They inspire or demoralise others by how they manage their energy.  How they help renew the energy of those they manage/lead

The skilful management of energy = full engagement

The 4 forces of energy?
  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Emotional
  • Spiritual

Physically – energised.  Strength, flexibility, endurance, resilience (exercise and diet) 
Physical exercise stimulates cognitive capacity

Mentally – focussed.  (having a sense of purpose - goal setting)
How we organise our lives and focus our attention
Realistic optimism
Mental preparation
Positive self-talk
Effective time management and creativity

Emotionally – connected.   Ability to bounce back after disappointment, frustration and loss 
Access pleasant and positive emotions
What fuels emotional energy - self-confidence, self-control, interpersonal effectiveness and empathy
The ability to summon positive emotions during periods of stress lies at the heart of effective leadership

Spiritually – aligned with a purpose beyond our immediate self-interest.  Commitment to ones deepest values.  Passion, commitment, integrity and honesty

Fully Engaged = eager to get to work, eager to get home and know how to draw the boundaries